Friday, December 2, 2011

Why set up a blog Sadie??

Hello Friends! Why did I set up a blog you ask? Well, I was at young women in excellence one night and a thought came to me.  Maybe I should create a blog for young molly mormons like me to read.  Maybe you won't read my blog, that's okay!  I just love talking about being a latter day saint because it makes me happy, and because I think maybe someday it might help some people.  You're not the only girl who has been judged for being a molly mormon, I've been there, I've done that, and I want to help you understand that you are beautiful and full of virtue. 

First of all... You will soon discover that a lot of the time, I don't even know what I'm talking about.  I'm what some people like to call silly, frivolous, but not stupid.  So if you personally go out of your way to tell me that  something I wrote just doesn't make sense, don't worry, it doesn't hurt my feelings. :)

What I want to talk about on my blog will be things such as the For Strength of Youth pamplet, personal progress, things that apply to life as a teenager in this day and age, and whatever you'd like to talk about (send requests to email address at the bottom).  It's hard to be a teenager these days, and you know this as much as I do.  Temptation is very strong and living the gospel proudly has become scarce in a lot of people.  It's sad to see kids our age sluffing seminary, going inactive, going against their morals, etc.  It makes me sad when someone tells you that they are a mormon and you're actually surprised that they are because of their reputation!  There's still hope, and I want to help girls recognize that.  I love you, Christ loves you!
love, sadie
p.s.  Hi grandma:)

1 comment:

  1. Sadie Potatie...welcome to the blogging world! I'm excited about what you will be blogging. So many young women need to feel understood and I know you will provide that for whoever needs to hear it! I love you :]
