Monday, December 26, 2011

What the Mountains Used to Hide

On life's valley shore,
The future can't be seen,
You wonder what is on the other side.

When you reach the top,
You realize you've found,
The answers that the mountains used to hide.

Life on earth is like wandering aimlessly through a valley and being seperated from a whole other world behind a mountain range.  Doesn't it frustrate you?  Knowing that there is something you can't see that is so beautiful and so close?  Sometimes I think we forget that we can get to that beautiful world by climbing the mountains that are blocking our vision.  It IS hard, it DOES take a while but I think it might be worth it once you find the answers that the mountains used to hide.

I believe in the sun even when it's not shining,
I believe in love even when I'm alone,
I believe in God even when he is silent,
I believe the answers will be known.

How many people can say that they know these things?  If you have never seen the sun, how do you know that it shines?  Faith can answer these questions if you will let it.  But if you don't allow the help of faith's power, and change your own perspective, you will never be satisfied and you will always have questions.  It makes me sad to see some people personally go out of their own way to deny the power faith can give them.

How can you say you know all things,
And this life isn't fair?
Don't you know you understand,
Somehow, sometime, somewhere?

We don't know all things, and that's the reason there is a range of mountains (questions) in front of us.  If we let Christ into our lives, and humble ourselves, we will have enough strength to climb the mountains of our lives and find all of our life's questions, and what the mountains used to hide.  I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy are We!:)

Welcome Back!  I hope the beginning of this Christmas season has been great for all 2 of you:)

I wanted to blog about how keeping the commandments can really make you happy.  It can also inspire to desire.  Others will look at you and think, "wow, I want to be as happy as her!"  Even the people that have been labled by others as a lost cause.  People watch the way you act, whether your actions are good or bad.  It may come as a shock to others that you're so happy because you simply keep the commandments, but it may interest them.  You never know how many people you have inspired with your bright smile.

Mosiah 2:41 "and moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.  For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of neverending happiness.  O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."

For the Lord God hath spoken it.  I love that because it is proof that Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ need You to help them through your example.  As daughters of God, we need to be missionaries for our father in heaven.  Hymn number 304 quotes, "Teach me to walk in the light of HIS love."  The song speaks as if it is talking to you, and asking you how it is that you know to walk in the light of Heavenly Father's love.  You can teach others to walk in the light of his love through your shining example and glowing smile. Note that those who do what they are supposed to have a sparkling personality, no matter how shy or outgoing they are.  The sparkle about them just makes them more beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.

Keep the Commandments, in this there is safety; in this there is peace.  I hope that you all keep the commandments, receive the blessings that God our father is so ready to give you, and serve others by helping them to become like Christ.  I testify that keeping the commandments brings true and everlasting happiness as long as you follow them consistantly.  I know that if I keep the commandments, I can return to my Father in Heaven and become free.  I strive everyday to become like Christ and I hope you do as well.  I love you all, Jesus loves you all!  And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Love... Sadie:)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Why set up a blog Sadie??

Hello Friends! Why did I set up a blog you ask? Well, I was at young women in excellence one night and a thought came to me.  Maybe I should create a blog for young molly mormons like me to read.  Maybe you won't read my blog, that's okay!  I just love talking about being a latter day saint because it makes me happy, and because I think maybe someday it might help some people.  You're not the only girl who has been judged for being a molly mormon, I've been there, I've done that, and I want to help you understand that you are beautiful and full of virtue. 

First of all... You will soon discover that a lot of the time, I don't even know what I'm talking about.  I'm what some people like to call silly, frivolous, but not stupid.  So if you personally go out of your way to tell me that  something I wrote just doesn't make sense, don't worry, it doesn't hurt my feelings. :)

What I want to talk about on my blog will be things such as the For Strength of Youth pamplet, personal progress, things that apply to life as a teenager in this day and age, and whatever you'd like to talk about (send requests to email address at the bottom).  It's hard to be a teenager these days, and you know this as much as I do.  Temptation is very strong and living the gospel proudly has become scarce in a lot of people.  It's sad to see kids our age sluffing seminary, going inactive, going against their morals, etc.  It makes me sad when someone tells you that they are a mormon and you're actually surprised that they are because of their reputation!  There's still hope, and I want to help girls recognize that.  I love you, Christ loves you!
love, sadie
p.s.  Hi grandma:)